CryptophoneShadow Banker

Crypto Cybercrime Money Laundering OpSec Uncategorized
Clout-Chasing, Serbian Narco-IT Moron Holds Key to Performative Europol Shade in ICIJ Story
30 Members of the Belivuk Clan in Serbia were arrested last February after their Sky ECC communications were crackedThey have been charged with 5 murders, but are suspected of as many as 20Serbian authories seized 44 Sky ECC phones from the gangThe gang’s messages were hacked at least 4 months prior to the timeline reported by Europol for when Sky was hackedSrdjan Lalic, the gang’s ‘IT wiz was in charge…
Crypto Cybercrime Espionage Money Laundering Uncategorized
Interview with the ‘Vampire’: Is Eurasian Hacker Rap a New Front in Cyber-Threat SIGINT Collection?
While cyber-threat intelligence organizations like Intel471 and “dark web ninjas” like Gemini Advisory actively scan underground hacker forums for cybercriminal SIGINT like data breaches, new attack vectors, and money-laundering plugs, an unconventional, new front for analyst collection may have emerged: Eurasian rap music. Really. Just as heavy metal tempested the cultural “winds of change” that demolished the Berlin Wall and propelled pro-kleptocracy Western ideals throughout the former Soviet Union over…